This app looks great, but it only gets 2 stars from me right now because of glaring omissions in its features. These should have been included in the first version, and I think should be obviouse necessities. 1) Events need to be able to be added for multiple days at one time, I should not have to enter the info for a class three times for each day that I have it. 2) I dont know what gave you the ridiculous idea that everyones schedule runs on perfect 15 minute intervels. I have classes that start and end at times like 9:35, 10:25, 12:55, not perfectly at the 00th, 15th, 30th, or 45th minute past the hour. This isnt even an omission, just a stupid addition that forcefully limits the programs capability. 3) I do not get suspended in Limbo every Saturday and Sunday, life continues to function on these days as well and there is no reason for their exclusion from the program.
Other than these problems, Time-Table looks promising. I will change my 2-star rating to a 5-star rating when these problems are fixed.
alteran1 about Timetable - Studies and Tasks